Mountain Valley School District No. Re 1 News
- Mar 6, 2025 · Mountain Valley School District No. Re 1
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Monday March 10
Wear Red for Heart Awareness Day!
Tuesday March 11
Bring A Stuffed Animal for CPR Compressions Day! Learn how to save a life.
Wednesday March 12
Jersey Day for Movement Day! Fitness Break at time of Teacher's Choice
Thursday March 13
PJ Day for the Importance of Proper Sleep!
- Mar 6, 2025 · Mountain Valley School District No. Re 1
KIDS HEART Challenge
Dear MVS Parents & Guardians,
The week of March 10th - March 13th Mountain Valley School will be participating in a spirit week for the American Heart Association! I have attached the events for the week and am excited to teach our students about heart health and the importance of movement in our daily lives. Along with our spirit week, students have the opportunity to compete in the Kid's Heart Challenge as well as a fundraiser (with prizes) for the American Heart Association. Please look over the informational material about our upcoming events and help get our students excited for a fun week. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at the email below. Thank you!
Melissa Mommer
Melissa Mommer MS, CEP
MVS PE/Health Teacher
Mar 6, 2025 · Mountain Valley School District No. Re 1A Message from our Nurse
With measles cases rising nationwide, state health officials urge MMR vaccination for Coloradans ahead of spring break travel.
Denver (Feb. 27, 2025) — With measles cases increasing across the U.S. and spring break travel approaching, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment urges Coloradans to get vaccinated against the highly contagious disease. The best protection against measles infection is the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine.
“We are seeing a concerning increase in measles cases across the country, including in states neighboring Colorado,” said Dr. Rachel Herlihy, state epidemiologist at CDPHE. “As Coloradans prepare for spring break and travel, it's crucial to ensure you and your family are protected against this highly contagious and serious disease.”
Measles is more than a rash. It is a serious respiratory illness that can cause life-long problems like hearing loss and brain damage. In the most serious cases, it can lead to respiratory failure and even death. Measles spreads easily. It can remain in the air for up to two hours and stays on surfaces, too. If one person has it, nine out of 10 people who are unprotected around them will get measles. People who are infected with measles can spread it to others from four days before they get the rash to four days after the rash shows up.
- Feb 25, 2025 · Mountain Valley School District No. Re 1
Bargaining Dates & Times
Mountain Valley School District and MV Education Association
- Feb. 27th 12:00 pm - 7:00 pm
- March 5th 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
- March 12th 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
- March 27th 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
- April 3rd 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
- April 9th 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
- April 17th 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
- Feb 19, 2025 · Mountain Valley School District No. Re 1
Mountain Valley School Board Announce Superintendent Finalists
The Mountain Valley School Board would like to thank all applicants that applied for our Superintendent position. This was a very talented pool of candidates and the choice was very tough to sort out to our three finalists which are:
David Grabowski of Clark Colorado
Jose Ortega of Alamosa Colorado
Scott Cooper of Grand Junction Colorado
These are our three finalists for the, position congratulations, we look forward to meeting them in person. - Feb 13, 2025 · Mountain Valley School District No. Re 1
Stomach "Flu" VS The "Flu"
If your child has a fever today. They should not be at school tomorrow. If you have to give Tylenol or Motrin for a fever today, your child should stay home from school tomorrow.
If you have to give your child Tylenol or Motrin in the morning before school "to get them through the day" then they should not go to school.
If your child has vomiting and or/diarrhea they should not be in school.
Flu season is rampant.
Please, please, please do not send your child to school.
Thank you for your assistance, it is greatly appreciated in keeping our loved ones home when they are sick we can prevent the virus from being passed on to other people.
- Feb 13, 2025 · Mountain Valley School District No. Re 1
Parent Teacher Conferences
We are looking forward to meeting with all of our student's parent's/guardians. A meal will be provided in the cafeteria for staff as well as Families of Mountain Valley School. See you all soon.
- Feb 5, 2025 · Mountain Valley School District No. Re 1
A Message from Our Pricipal
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I would like to visit briefly about three topics. The “Family Movie Night” we have planned for Thursday, February 27, at 6 p.m. is a time for parents and students to enjoy a film together. The short-cut/app for your phone allows immediate access to the MVS website and can be helpful in your efforts to save time. Additionally, parent – teacher conferences are coming up on Monday the 17th and Wednesday the 19th.
For the movie night, I have selected a favorite nature documentary. The true story of a man who helps a flock of wild turkeys hatch and develop into their lives as full grown wild animals. Those of us who are old enough may think the movie is like the Wonderful World of Disney movies televised every weekend when we were kids. This movie will give students a chance to develop a sense of awe for the world around them and appreciate the beauty and aspects of life that are larger than we are.
This appreciation for nature has been linked to reductions in stress and anxiety as well as increased prosocial behavior. Something special shifts in our neurophysiology after experiencing a heightened personal sense of meaning in relation to the wonderful world in which we live. The District Accountability Committee plans to have pizza and drinks available. There is an RSVP at the bottom of the announcement on the web page, or you can just call and let the office know you are planning to attend. Parents and students are asked to attend together. We look forward to seeing you there.
Also, I would like for you to be aware of the app you can place on your phones for quick access to the MVS website and official announcements. I would encourage you to download the app as it provides a quick link to the official announcements and other school information. You can click HERE for a link to the directions for obtaining the app. I would also like to suggest you opt into our school messenger system which is found on the same link.
Finally, parent-teacher conferences are just around the corner, Monday the 17th and the 19th. You can expect communication from your child’s teacher on how to sign up for a time. Grades three through five and middle school will be conducting group conferences, this will allow you to meet with all teachers at one time. The teachers are planning to see you then.
The Family Movie night should be an enjoyable opportunity for parents and students. The app will be an easy way to link to the school website, and parent-teacher conferences provide a great time to see just how your child is performing and discuss any ways you and the teachers might better team up for education.
David Thornton, PhD